The purpose of the NOMAS Model for Batterer Programs is to provide a service to the civil and criminal court systems, for men who are domestic violence offenders. As a service to the courts, a NOMAS Model batterer program is utilized to extend judicial monitoring (both pre-disposition and post-disposition) and as a mechanism for offender accountability. To function effectively it is crucial that:
A key role of a NOMAS Model batterer program is to provide the courts with an opportunity to assess an offender's seriousness about following the specific condition(s) of the court's order to attend the program. One local magistrate said to a domestic violence defendant, "I am ordering you to a NOMAS Model batterer program, along with other stipulations. I do not know whether you will adhere to all of those stipulations. But I will know for sure if you are satisfactorily attending the batterer program. If you are, that signals to me that you are doing what I am requiring - at least in that area. I can then hope that you are doing so across the board. However, if you do not - that is a sure signal of your disregard, and I will respond with swift and appropriate severity."
- A NOMAS Model batterer program is not used as a diversion from a more serious consequence.
- Orders to attend a NOMAS Model batterer program are made only when the court will issue a consequence to the offender who does not comply.
- NOMAS Model batterer programs treat all men respectfully. NOMAS Model batterer program are not punitive in policies or practices. (If anything, courts levy punishments.) The program gives each man the opportunity to comply with his order to attend and complete the program.
A key role of a NOMAS Model batterer program is to provide the courts with an opportunity to assess an offender's seriousness about following the specific condition(s) of the court's order to attend the program. One local magistrate said to a domestic violence defendant, "I am ordering you to a NOMAS Model batterer program, along with other stipulations. I do not know whether you will adhere to all of those stipulations. But I will know for sure if you are satisfactorily attending the batterer program. If you are, that signals to me that you are doing what I am requiring - at least in that area. I can then hope that you are doing so across the board. However, if you do not - that is a sure signal of your disregard, and I will respond with swift and appropriate severity."